At River Jordan Network, we strive to contribute to a broader food justice movement by looking at housing and agriculture in radical, noncompetitive ways. In our Rose Park neighborhood of Salt Lake City, our Two Mom Sanctuary urban farms hosts a Subsidized Housing Program that supports urban farmers and gardeners by combining housing and food security through the values of education, community resilience, and a gift economy.
We offer affordable housing that does more than just provide a roof. Participants are able to save their rent money in a high-yield account that is earmarked for their own future homeownership. Alongside this, our urban homestead buzzes with weekly food trades, donation drives, and skill-sharing events that celebrate local produce and community know-how and build meaningful relationships.

Our Winter 2024-25 Cohort has accomplished a winter clean up of the space, hosted an educator to winterize the beehives, and begun work on greenhouse. This cohort has been at the Sanctuary since November 2024, and as of February 2025 has saved over $6,000 to be returned to them at the end of their lease term, to in turn invest in their own futures and communities to grow food and enjoy secure housing.
This isn’t just about bucking the system, it is about rethinking food sovereignty together, preserving a neighborhood that’s rich in history and culture, and finding innovative ways for everyone to thrive without selling property for top dollar. We’re honored to share this space with a community committed to sustainable living and equitable opportunities.
If you’re curious about how urban farming and community-led housing can work hand in hand, we invite you to join us at one of our upcoming events, or get connected through our Instagram account @twomomsanctuary. Together, we can imagine new paths to resilience and shared prosperity in spite of oppressive economic and geopolitical conditions.